Verse Sort

Materials: Bible Verse cards (optional) Index cards Pen or pencil Create a set of index cards with one word from the verse written on each individual card. Distribute verse sort cards have students work with a partner or individually to arrange them in the correct order. Time how long it takes. Then, challenge the next…Continue reading Verse Sort Continue reading Verse Sort

Leading Games Effectively (Coaching Sheet)

**FOR TEAM LEADERS** For instructions on using coaching sheets, click here: How to Use Coaching Sheets. Coaching Sheet: Leading Games Effectively Use the following coaching sheet and leader’s notes to guide your team through a discussion on how to enhance the quality of your game time in club. Leading Games Effectively Leading Games Effectively (Leader’s…Continue reading Leading Games Effectively (Coaching Sheet) Continue reading Leading Games Effectively (Coaching Sheet)

Power Up!

Materials: A playground ball How to Play: Designate a number to each player and instruct them to remember their number. If you have more than 12 children, you can have more than one person per number. To begin, choose one person to hold the ball and stand in the center. Everyone should gather in a…Continue reading Power Up! Continue reading Power Up!