Can You See the Leader? (AKA. “Wise Guy”)

Materials: No Materials Needed

Objective: For the guesser to figure out who is leading the motions

How to Play: Have all the students sit in a circle facing each other and choose one student to be the “guesser” and leave the room or close their eyes while the you select another student in the circle to be the “leader.” The student who has left the circle should not know who the leader is. The leader can choose any clapping rhythm or motion with their hands and all the students in the circle should follow (e.g. snapping fingers, clapping hands, ground, lap, etc.). The leader should change up the motion at least once every 20-30 seconds. (If not, you should say “change” signaling the switch needs to happen.) Meanwhile, the guesser should watch all the players in the circle and try to guess who the leader is. After the leader is guessed correctly or revealed, choose two new students to be the leader and the guesser.