Cheerful Giver Tag

Object of Game: To remain “untagged” for as long as possible.

Materials: None

How to Play: All players line up at one of the baselines of the basketball court, or opposite ends of the player area. A player is chosen to be the “cheerful giver.” Tell students, the Bible says “God loves a cheerful giver.” The “cheerful giver”  stands on the middle line and calls out, “God loves a cheerful giver!” On this signal, the “cheerful giver” may run wherever they wish trying to tag as many players as possible. The players begin to run from the baseline across the gym to the opposite baseline. Those players who are tagged while crossing from one side to the other become the “cheerful giver’s” helpers for the next round. Once all the players have either crossed to the other side or have been tagged, the original “cheerful giver” will call out, “God loves a cheerful giver!” All the players will run to the opposite side of the gym, but those who were tagged the first time will now help to tag more people. Play continues until all the players are tagged. The last one tagged is the winner of the game.