Easter Party Game Ideas

Here are some fun ideas for Easter party games at club. To see our full Easter Party plan, which includes the activities below, click here.

Egg Transfer


  • Two bowls, boxes or baskets (any size and shape that can hold several plastic eggs)
  • Plastic eggs, approximately a dozen
  • Straws, one box of 100

Place a bowl/box/basket of plastic Easter eggs at your station. A couple feet away, place an empty bowl/box/basket Give every student their own straw. Students will use a straw and suction it to pick up the egg and move it to the second bowl/box/basket. Set a goal for how many eggs they should transfer in one minute to win!


Jelly Bean Pick Up


  • A bag of jelly beans
  • Two paper plates
  • Chopsticks

Place two paper plates several inches apart. On the first plate, place ten jelly beans (the number can be adjusted to increase or decrease difficulty.) In one minute, students should try to move the jelly beans from the first plate to the second using only chopsticks.  


Egg-cellent Posture!


  • Plastic eggs, one per player (Or, you may use Cadbury Creme® eggs)

Students try to walk from one end of the room to the other and back balancing an egg on their head. You can have multiple students play at the same time to see if they can successfully do this in one minute without dropping the egg. If they drop it, have them return to the starting line. 


Spin the Egg


  • Two plastic eggs

This challenge is a face-off between two players. Two players will each be given an egg and on the signal “go,” they must start spinning their egg on a table or the floor. Whoever’s egg remains spinning the longest wins that round. Play the best two out of three, and then start over with new players. 


Easter Egg Memory


  • Eight plastic eggs (Sixteen halves, halves do not have to match)
  • Sixteen jelly beans (Eight different colors to make matches)

Using the halves of your plastic eggs, place them on the floor or a table in a four by four grid. Underneath, place jelly beans. Have two students face off and take turns uncovering two egg-halves at a time to see if they can find matching jelly bean colors. After all the matches are found, or one minute has passed, stop play. The student with the most matches wins. 

You can adjust the number of eggs in your grid to make it more challenging. Also, you may use any number of different items that can be paired by color, shape or size in place of jelly beans to hide under the eggs. 


Egg Toss


  • A basket, box or bin to catch the plastic eggs in
  • Plastic eggs, approximately one dozen

Place your basket, box or bin a few feet away from the student’s throwing position (the distance can be adjusted to increase or decrease difficulty level). Students try to toss at least six eggs into the basket, box or bin as they can in one minute. (You can change the number adjust difficulty level as needed.)


Mix & Match


  • Plastic eggs, approximately 20

Separate your plastic eggs into halves and mix up all the different colors. Spread them out on the floor or playing area. When you signal go, students have exactly one minute to try and match at least six different egg halves together with their matching color. (You can change the number adjust difficulty level as needed.)


Word War


  • Two individual white board and dry erase markers OR a stack of 30-40 sheets of blank paper and two pencils
  • A sheet of paper with word “EASTER” printed on it
  • A sheet of paper with the word “RABBITS” printed on it
  • A sheet of paper with the word “BASKETS” printed on it
  • Optional: You may choose to add more Easter related words 

This is a face off competition between two students. Give each player an individual white board and dry erase marker, or paper and a pencil if whiteboard are not available. Instruct them to create as many words as they can using the letters in the word that you will show them. On the singal. “Go,” reveal the word by showing them one of the sheets of paper with the printed words (EASTER, RABBITS or BASKETS). They will have one minute to write as many as they can. Then, compare their lists and whoever has the most words wins. 


Egg Spoon Relay


  • Two plastic spoons
  • Two plastic eggs

Students must try to carry a plastic egg on a spoon without dropping it from a starting to finishing point. Option: Have two students face off and play at the same time to see who can complete the challenge successfully first. 


Bunny Tail Drop


  • A bag of cotton balls (any size)
  • Two cups or small bowls/baskets (the more narrow the more challenging)

Students must stand up tall holding the cotton ball the the tip of their nose and let it drop, trying to get it to land in the cup/bowl. Challenge them to try to get eight cotton balls into the cup/bowl in one minute. Option: This challenge is more interesting/difficult if the student can safely stand on a chair and drop the cotton ball from a higher level. 


Jelly Bean Balance


  • Jelly beans, approximately a dozen
  • Popsicle sticks, approximately 50 (one for each player and they can not be reused)

Students place a popsicle stick in their mouth and try to balance jelly beans on it without dropping them. Challenge students to try and get six jelly beans to stay on at the end of one minute. You may play with multiple students at a time, and you may adjust the number of jelly beans to increase or decrease the difficulty level. 


Easter Bingo


This activity is not a “Minute-to-Win-It” challenge, but can be played with a group of students at the same time as your “Minute-to-Win-It” stations. At your station, have a set of Bingo cards and markers. When you have a group 4-6 students ready to play, use the call sheet to describe items listed on the cards until a student gets “Bingo.” Then, play again with a new group of students. 

(Note: You do not need to laminate the cards as suggested in the printable instructions.)