3 Ideas For Positive Behavior Reinforcement


Reward the Positive

One key to managing behavior in your club and small groups is to consistently recognize and reward positive behaviors. Here are three different strategies for your Kids Club.

Idea #1: 500 Point Chart
A 500 Point Chart is a reward incentive for the whole group. Each week, every child gets a chance to put stickers on a large piece of poster board divided into 500 squares. When the whole poster board is full, everyone in Kids Club gets to enjoy a pizza party. You could adapt this to your small group by creating a smaller goal, such as a 100 point chart.

Idea #2: Character Kid of the Week
Give kids recognition for demonstrating good character. Small group leaders can nominate someone, and then the student can be recognized by their leader in front of all their peers for the specific character qualities they have shown. To make it even more meaningful, give the child’s parent a phone call later that day or week to share that their leader chose to recognize them for outstanding character. This can be significantly impactful to both the kid and the parent. One parent admitted to me before, “My son’s never received a positive call home.”

Idea #3: Individual Point or Ticket System
Individual point systems or ticket exchanges can be awarded to individual kids throughout club for following expectations or for showing outstanding behavior. Points or tickets can later be exchanged for special prizes or privileges. A ticket raffle is our most recommended and easily implemented Kids Club behavior system, which you can read about in depth here: Tickets 101.