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Jesus: The Bridge to God

Truth Taught: Jesus is the only way to reach God and be saved from our sins. He came to bring us back to God by dying for us and rising again.


  • Two small boxes or sturdy objects (representing two sides of a gap)
  • A small figurine or object representing people
  • A large plank of wood, cardboard, or a wide ruler (representing the bridge)
  • Bible


  1. Set up the two boxes a short distance apart from each other, representing two sides of a gap. Explain: This side represents us, and the other side represents God. There’s a problem though: there’s a big gap between us and God because of our sin. We can’t reach God on our own.

  2. Place the figurine on one side of the gap (on one of the boxes). Ask: What do you think will happen if we try to cross this gap by ourselves? Let the kids share their ideas.

  3. Attempt to move the figurine across the gap without using the bridge (let it fall to the ground to show the impossibility of making it on our own). Explain: No matter how hard we try—by being good or following rules—we can’t get to God because sin separates us from him.

  4. Now, introduce the plank or wide ruler and lay it across the two boxes, creating a bridge. Place the figurine on the bridge and move it across to the other side. Explain: Jesus is like this bridge. He is the only way we can reach God. He died on the cross for our sins, and by trusting in him, we can be saved and brought back to God.

  5. Read John 14:6 (NLT): “Jesus told him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.’”

  6. Ask: Why do you think Jesus is the only way to God? Let the children respond.

  7. Conclude by explaining: Just like this bridge made it possible to cross the gap, Jesus makes it possible for us to have a relationship with God. He took our place, and by believing in him, we can be with God forever.

Aha Moment: The visual of trying and failing to cross the gap without the bridge, and then easily crossing with it, illustrates that only Jesus can bring us to God, making the gospel message clear and concrete.

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