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We are passionate about helping you bring the life-changing message of Jesus to children in your community, so we’ve designed a simple, memorable process to guide you in launching a club: the C.L.A.S.S. framework.

By following these five steps, you’ll be equipped to share the Good News with children, encourage them to grow in their faith, and witness the joy that comes from knowing and loving Jesus. Together, we can transform young lives and build a lasting legacy of hope.

Catch the Vision

Imagine your church stepping into a local public elementary school, opening the Bible, sharing the Good News of Jesus with kids, and fostering positive relationships with school leadership. This isn’t just a dream—Crossroads Kids Club is helping churches around the country do exactly this, and your community could be next! Explore this website, then schedule a free, no-obligation conversation to discuss your hopes and dreams, and discover if starting a Crossroads Kids Club is the right step for you.

Schedule Your Consultation Now

Lock in Your Commitment

You have the heart, the vision, and the desire to make a lasting impact through a Crossroads Kids Club in your community. Now, it’s time to make your decision. Jesus reminds us to let our yes be yes and our no be no. While questions and doubts may arise (Will the school say yes? Will I find enough leaders?), if the Lord has placed this calling on your heart, Crossroads will walk with you every step of the way. You’ll solidify your commitment when you complete the ministry agreement form using the link below.

Complete the Ministry Agreement

Approach a School

Once you’ve signed the ministry agreement form, a member of the Crossroads team will contact you within two business days to schedule your first club-launch coaching meeting. Since 1999, we have been working inside public schools and have a proven track record of success in building strong relationships with school leaders. During the consultation, we’ll review your district’s policies, discuss any existing connections you may have, and provide a clear action plan. This will equip you to approach the school confidently, establish a positive relationship, and secure access through the district’s community use of school facilities program.

Select and Train Staff

After we help you gain access to the school space, we will meet again to create a staff recruitment and training plan. You will need five leaders to get started. This can seem like the most challenging part of the whole process, but we have seen time and time again that the Lord will provide the team if you pray and are faithful to cast the vision and to make personal invitations to those you’d like on your team. Crossroads offers both in-person and online training to get your team ready to have a safe, fun, and fruitful club.

Spread the Word

Now that you’ve embraced the vision, made a commitment, secured access to the school, and built your team, it’s time to reach out to the families! Crossroads will assist you with a myriad of ideas to communicate about your club to parents and students. Many schools allow clubs to have a presence at events like back-to-school nights, student registration days, or parent-teacher conferences where you can speak face-to-face with parents and even enroll children in your club on the spot. If these opportunities aren’t available, we can help you with print and digital flyers, online registration, and a host of other creative ideas to spread the word. Our aim is to help you effectively register students in your club before the first day, ensuring a vibrant and engaging start.

Launch the Club!

With your vision ignited, commitment secured, school partnership established, dedicated team assembled, and families eagerly anticipating—it’s time to launch your Crossroads Kids Club! This is the moment where faith turns into action and dreams become reality. As you open your doors, you’ll begin to witness the incredible impact of sharing the Good News with kids in your community.

And remember, this is just the beginning. Crossroads is committed to walking alongside you beyond the launch—for years to come: providing ongoing support, personalized impact plans, and resources to help you achieve your goals. Together, we’ll nurture young hearts, help kids come to know and love Jesus, and create lasting change in your community.

Let’s embark on this exciting journey and watch as God works through you to transform lives!

Schedule Your Personal Consultation Today
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