10 Ways to Partner with Parents (for SGLs)

10 Ways to Partner with Parents (for SGLs)

  1. Send a note to parents when their child registers for Kids Club, introducing yourself as a Small Group Leader (SGL).
  2. Ask parents what they think you should know about their child, and what they hope their child to get out of their experience in your group.
  3. Encourage them with an unexpected phone call giving positive feedback about their child’s behavior in Kids Club.
  4. Cue them into what you are teaching at Kids Club. A quick comment such as, “Johnny had so many questions about the Prodigal Son story today!” can give them a valuable starting point to engage Johnny in conversation at home later.  
  5. Leverage your small group check-out time. Checking your kids out directly from small group gives you a weekly opportunity for a face to face interaction with parents. In that brief window of time, be intentional about connecting with them.
  6. Show up at extracurricular events like soccer games or school plays. Let the parent know that you plan to be there to support their child.
  7. Visit them at their home. When doing so, it is a good idea to call ahead to schedule this visit and to bring another leader along with you.
  8. Extend your own personal invitation to any Kids Club family or holiday events or special programs at your church.
  9. Thank them for the effort they’ve made as a parent. Write and mail a note sharing something you’ve noticed about their child that shows their investment as a parent is paying off.
  10. Get to know the parents. As you build a relationship, pray and listen for God to show you how to love and serve them.