Verse Cup Stack Relay

This game may be played in one small group, or by combining two small groups together.


  • Fourteen plastic cups per group
  • A permanent marker
  • Bible verse cards (Optional, for students to reference)

Preparation: Write each word of the verse in permanent marker on TWO of the plastic cups. You may write a short phrase instead of a single word depending on the number of cups and words in the verse. (You will make two identical sets of the verse):

Example: Our|  God | is | a | God |  who | saves. | Psalm 68:20a

Set all the cups out on the playing area. Divide your group up in two teams. On the signal “GO,” the first player from each team may run to find the first cup and start their team’s stack. When they return to their line, the next player may go and find the next part of the verse and stack it on top of the first phrase. If any player finds a mistake they can fix it, but they may only add ONE new cup to the stack during their turn. The first team to make a complete stack of cups in the correct order wins. Then, have the team read the verse aloud together.