Race to Fill the Verse

This game works best if you have a verse is 12 words or easily divided into 12 words/phrases.

  • Bible verse cards, one per student
  • One playing mat per pair of students (blank copy paper)
  • A pen or pencil per pair of students
  • Two dice per students

Divide students up into pairs. Each pair gets two dice, a pen or pencil, and a playing mat with 12 boxes (you may adjust the number down to 10 or 8 depending on the number of words in your verse). You can make the playing mats using blank copy paper and sketching out a table like the one shown below. You will want a table with the same number of words as the verse. Have students number each box.

1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12

When you say “GO,” partners roll their dice. Whatever number is rolled, they may find that number box and write in the corresponding word of the verse. They may always choose to roll one or two dice at a time in order to reach a desired number. The goal is to fill in the verse by rolling numbers 1-12. If they roll a number that is already filled in, they should keep trying, alternating between one dice or two as they choose. Teams do not need to take turns, they should keep rolling and filling in boxes as quickly as they can (for younger students, you may choose to have them take turns if needed.) The first team to fill in all twelve boxes wins. (Note: Allow students to reference their verse cards.) Another option to make the game easier is to allow them to have one or two “free” boxes that they fill in at the beginning of the game.