Verse Sticky Note Tic-Tac-Toe


  • A sheet of blank copy paper
  • A pen or pencil
  • Nine sticky notes (or slips of paper) per group

On a sheet of blank copy paper, draw a 3 x 3 table grid. (The boxes should be roughly the size of the sticky notes you are using.) Write out words or phrases of the verse to fill all nine boxes. If the verse is short, you may use the verse reference to fill remaining grids. 

Divide the children into two teams. Ask everyone to recite the verse. Select a player from team one to write an X on a sticky note and cover one of the squares on the grid. Ask the children to recite the verse again. A player from team two will draw an O on a sticky note and cover another box.  Continue until Tic Tac Toe is complete. Repeat the game.