Materials: One “Power Shuffle Card Set” per team of 8

One Power Shuffle Card Set = 5 index cards with the letters P-O-W-E-R spelled out one per card

How to Play: Divide students into even teams of approximately 8 and have each team form a line. You will need one Power Shuffle Card set per team prepared in advance. Mix up all the letters from every set together and place them face down randomly all over the floor over your playing area.  

To play, the first player from each team runs to find one of the letters from the word to spell out P-O-W-E-R. They should find the P first, then the O, and so on in order. Each player can turn over one letter per turn. If it’s not the correct letter, they need to turn it back over and run back to their team, tagging the next player to go. If they find the correct letter, they take it back to their team and tag off to the next player in line. Have each team lay the letters out on the ground as they collect each one and begin to spell out the word P-O-W-E-R. Play continues like this until all teams complete the word.

Optional adaptation: If you want to make it more challenging, create card sets to spell “P-O-W-E-R-F-U-L.”